CrossPoint Church’s vision is based on Is. 61. Our vision at CrossPoint Church is about relationships: to reach and gather people from the community and beyond who seek an intimate relationship with God; people who want to worship in spirit and in truth, and who desire to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and others.
It is also to build a healthy congregation, spirit soul and body, that is growing numerically through providing answers to those who seek from the Word of God; to help those to re-establish their relationship with God who once knew the truth but walked away from it and to provide a loving and caring place for believers (who possibly got hurt along the way), looking for a church home. But it is also to help the congregation grow in their relationship with God, to find the truth.
We believe that corporate worship is a very important Biblical principal and part of the our Christian discipline to enter into the presence of God; our vision is that through our corporate and individual praise and worship people will experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to change our hearts and lives.
A major factor at CrossPoint Church is that we realize that growth is dependent on the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit during congregation meetings, worship, and in the small group experience. Finally, at CrossPoint Church we strive to maintain a clear sense of Christian values and norms and who we are as a Christian Nation.
Our Mission at CrossPoint Church is to reach the community and beyond with the message that people are lost without God, and that He is able to transform, change, heal and restore lives by accepting Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord; to motivate members in a fresh and new way to grow in their relationship with Jesus and to develop meaningful relationships with others.